Code of ConductOperating PrinciplesAnticorruption Directive
Operating Principles
Anticorruption Directive
The Cteam calling card – Our values and rules give us security and orientation for all our activities.
As a provider of services for transmission and distribution network operators as well as public-sector clients and mobile telephony companies, we have a duty to comply with the guidelines of our customers. Our customers’ compliance requirements play a very important role in our everyday work activities. Consequently, we have drawn up a Code of Conduct for the Cteam-Group, which constitutes a kind of “Calling Card of Values” of the Cteam-Group.
Many rules and values go without saying for the Cteam-Group; the personnel already live by them, so this Code of Conduct is largely a written summing-up of how we already act.
The Code gives all of us certainty that we are acting in compliance with the Cteam Group’s expectations and the applicable laws and regulations.
In short: What is permitted and what isn’t?
The reputation of the Cteam-Group among our customers, the public and our partners is of crucial importance for the success of our business. Every one of us, in his or her place and through his or her work, contributes daily to how the Cteam-Group is perceived externally. We wish to present ourselves as a reliable partner.
Scope of Application:
This Code of Conduct applies to all employees of Cteam Consulting & Anlagenbau GmbH. Our management personnel are expected to lead by example. We also call on our business partners to abide by the same principles.
Reporting of information:
Should any irregularities come to your knowledge, in particular potential violations of legal or internal company regulations, please report such matters to your work superior or line manager. If you have reason to believe that the matter may not be properly dealt with by following that route, you should contact the Compliance Officer as a neutral and independent person instead.
You can contact our Compliance Officer at
Helmut Locher, Managing Director Cteam HL-Holding GmbH