News 10/2021
Change in the management of Cteam Leitungsbau Österreich GmbH We are very saddened by the sudden accidental death of Mr. Andreas Presslaber.He had been the managing director of Cteam Leitungsbau Österreich GmbH since its foundation in 2015 and was a highly respected person on all sides. Our long-time colleague and authorized signatory Mr. Alexander Zojer […]
News 03/2021
As of 01.03.2021, the management of Cteam Energietechnik GmbH will be expanded by Dipl. Ing. Kurt RADER. With the appointment of Mr. Rader as an additional managing director, we want to use and further develop the growth opportunities in the Austrian market in the field of plant engineering after the successful start-up of Cteam Energietechnik […]
News 04/20
In April, we were able to welcome our 1,000 employees to the Cteam-Group. We are pleased that we continue to grow even in this difficult time and wish all new employees a lot of fun and success in their new job! The 1,000-strong employee is employed by Cteam Consulting & Anlagenbau GmbH Germany.
News 10/2019
Since 16.10.2019 Mr Gerald Bernsteiner is Managing director of Cteam Energietechnik GmbH, A-4050 Traun. We wish Mr Bernsteiner much success and fun in his new area of responsibility.
News 10/2019
Due to the currently difficult market situation, an Independent continuation of the activities of Cteam SA in Luxembourg is no longer possible. Cteam SA will remain as a Company, but has been operationally placed under the Management of Cteam LA in France since 01.07.2019. Mr Frédéric Bohr and Mr Mohamed Berkani are responsible for the […]
News 09/2019
On 13.09.2019, Cteam Energietechnik GmbH was founded in Austria. The new company will focus on the planning, construction and conversion of switschgear in Austria. Target customers will be the grid operators and Energy suppliers as well as the hydropower plant operators in Austria. We are pleased to be able to further expand the cooperation with […]